Archive for the ‘ Writing ’ Category

Get em’ while they’re hot! (vlog included)

I am making this a semi-quick vlog. I feel it’s best to hear my words than read them. Due to the cold season I do sound a little bit odd, but a stuff nose won’t be the end of me (hopefully).

My website (not another link to my blog)



Why am I an Artist?

I stole this idea from Paula Manning-Lewis and I told her I was stealing this idea because it’s a good one, and a fun one. To help enable people to understand why you do what you do, it can create an understanding of who you are. When someone has a better grasp of who you are, they either want to know more about you or they want to distance themselves.

To better know me, I am listing a few reasons why I’m an artist. I hope this gives you a greater insight into why I do what I do.

1. I don’t feel whole unless I create: I am constantly creating something at some level, whether it’s noise from my drums, images from my photography, words from my poems and writings or paintings from various mediums.

2. It helps me convey my feelings and ideas: Everything I paint, photograph, write or play is an acute look at my current feelings coming out of me at that very moment. I never paint the same picture twice, I never capture the same image, I never write the same poem twice and I never play the same set of drums twice. Every time I perform, I make something new. Is it always better? No, but it is what I need to do, as part of my process to getting better.

3. It pleases others: I am a very affectionate person and because of this I’m almost always trying to please others in some way, shape or form. I tend to mostly do this through jokes (I’m a comedian for sure). But, I have come to light in past 5 years of painting, that some of my work is sought after by a few people and loved by many. I am still partially in awe that so many people say such kind words of my art, which I appreciate on a constant basis.

Attached is the video of what started it all. If you’re a person that loves knowledge, you should visit to see more. Incredible ideas from incredible minds.

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

You can listen to the song I posted below as you might ponder your own reasons of why you do what you do. I await any of your responses and possible your own post.

Song: Eluvium – Indoor Swimming at the Space Station

My website (not another link to my blog)

I can smell the rain coming

It feels like I’m trying to rush everything with the fleeting days that exist between now and school. I don’t want to let anything I need to get done go untouched and end up regretting it. I’ve already adjusted my painting workload twice.

Work of Art finished and I am glad Abdi won. I would have been completely bummed out if Miles had won. Not trying to be mean, but he’s the type of artist I don’t care for. The people that are more about playing the art character in a film called life. Throughout the show the judges ate him up and I just was aggravated by it. I was thinking it was a NYC thing since I saw some of the same ridiculousness when I visited the galleries in Chelsea last fall.

PIC – My Feet

PIC – Eyebeam Art & Technology Center

I also finished a book called “Famous Last Words” by Ray Robinson. Really good short book to read when you have a little bit of time, or if you need a little coffee table book (Thanks again for the present Sabrina). Shortly after I finished the book, I took a shower to head out. After getting out of the shower, this popped into my head, and I really like it. Let me know what you think.

“My past has shaped my present and my present will shape my future.”

Song: Devin Townsend Project – Hyperdrive.

My website (not another link to my blog)

Dreaming of the Future

I will be absent for the next few days. When I return I need to get down to business with the pictures, updating and sketching. I am looking forward to this little get-a-way, but I am also looking forward to getting back home to get back to work. Sometimes you need to put your life on hold for a couple weeks and once you can, pick it up where you left off.

Speaking of pictures, I got a few great shots when I went on a walk/hike with my uncle. I’ll be sure to post them in the same fashion I did with my pictures from the lake. I may get some great shots while I am away as well, so I’ll see if there might be an additional picture or two.

Since I have mainly been getting out lots of words through this blog, I have remembered how much I enjoyed writing. My writing was put on hold for the past few years because I stopped putting my focus on it (nobody to blame but myself). However, while driving to a friend’s house, I got a great idea. Something that I think I can accomplish while I am still in school and have extra time. I want to write a book and I have a little bit less than 3 years to do it. It will take me a while to figure out all the W’s, but I really think I can do this.

To my loyal readers, I’m asking this question in a general manner. What in the future, near or far, do you wish to accomplish?

Song: If These Trees Could Talk – Thirty-Six Silos

My website (not another link to my blog)

Sometimes I can be abrasive

First: Play to the music I have linked before you read this. You will probably finish reading this before the song ends. I wish there could always be a soundtrack to what is happening and when it’s supposed to be quite, it will be.

It’s part of my own nature. Everyone has their own downfalls, though I do believe we all have positives. I tend to show my deep down emotions through some of my paintings. It sometimes is a way for me to work out my struggles, free my personal demons and feel like I’ve survived a bloody battle.

You know that feeling of purity after you’ve ran for 45 minutes? That’s what I get after I finish a painting (or running for 45 minutes, makes me miss Iraq). I guess I really wish I could live on that high plateau forever. Just on top of life, the world is too small (if you don’t believe me look at this: )

I know that some of my work reflects my sometimes abrasive attitude, though most of it’s in my earlier work. If I get enough requests I will take pictures to show it, but that early stuff was made off 100% energy without finesse. I’ll take creativity without talent over talent without creativity any day! This is something I wrote a while back. It reminds me of something I wrote in more recent times.

In Search of Self

The words I’m writing don’t exist

What you are reading isn’t real

The images you see in front of you

is just your imagination

The name you respond to

has never been called

The words you speak

haven’t been spoken

The clothes you wear

weren’t manufactured

The thoughts you are thinking

were never created

History is fiction

The future will never come

You still haven’t realized

The words I’m writing don’t exist

What you are reading, isn’t real

I’ve had so many things happen in my life, I feel as if I’ve already lived more than most do within their whole life times. My experiences are sometimes a representation of what I paint, not always.

Here is a picture of “Chuck Norris” and I. He was given this title because he would practice his martial arts in the parking lot every morning before coming into work. He even showed me pictures of him and his kids with gees on. One of the nicest human beings I’ve ever met.

Summer Project

I found myself an additional summer project besides the few paintings I wanted to do. I am going to re-write all of my poems and stories into word documents. I know that may seem odd, but it’s quite an under-taking. I have close to 200 poems alone, never mind all the short stories and parts of stories I’ve written. It will take me a while to do all this but I do have time. I will try to get started sooner than later. I first need to find all of my notebooks.

I’ll see what I can do to broadcast them, or I might just post a handful of them. Not sure atm. It’s something I need to fully wrap my head around to get an accurate opinion. I’ve also had people mostly tell me they like my words without giving me any critical feedback, or simply not saying which ones they liked or didn’t like. Too many people are afraid to tell artist they don’t like certain works. Any request/opinions let me know.

I also did some rough drawings for a commission I have coming up. I doubt I’ll show the drawings, but I will be taking lots of process pics for this, at least some.

Visual Learners vs. Actual Memory

So, I’ve been very busy with school over the past week or so. Still working on that series I talked about. Nothing finished yet but I have a few that are coming close. I need to pick up some more paint (maybe today) to get one of them finished. I’ll post it up when as soon as I can.

One thing I forgot to mention is that I write. Not as often as I would like, but I think that I will increase that amount very shortly. Here’s something that I wrote a couple days ago. Let me know what you think.

Visual Learners vs. Actual Memory

Just sitting there
And your mind goes blank

Maybe it goes black
And everything turns to grey
Or white?
I can never seem to remember

Just like that phone call
Remembering every detail
But forgetting who
I’m talking to

Reading words by dead people
Seems to hold more value than
Words from the living

Blowing the dust off an old picture
Seeing what was
Thinking about what will be

Just thinking
But then everything goes blank